Koncerti, konferencije, sajmovi, priredbe i sve ostale manifestacije moguće je prenositi uživo putem interneta, tako se ostvaruje znatno veći pristup potencijalnim klijentima. Promovišite svoj event u realnom vremenu. Nudimo Vam snimanje i prenos vašeg eventa na Facebook stranici ili youtube kanalu. Snimanje vršimo profesionalnim digitalnim kamerama FULL HD rezolucije.
Live broadcasting (for example, displaying events from a room, on a screen located in another room, or outside the room, or using large screens to enlarge an image in larger spaces)..
Fast delivery of the finished material (after the end of the production, it is only necessary to prepare the material for distribution, which is a process of at most a few hours, there is no multi-day waiting for assembly).
We also offer services of multi-channel audio recording of concerts for the needs of later mixing, and editing performances with high-quality visual presentation.